Bye Bye 2020 & Hello 2021 | Quarantine Life in the US

What a year!

The last day of 2020, my fridge was broken at the moment I was going to post my video.

Why I cannot make a post while the fridge is broken?

Well... I can probably post another blogger for that.

In sum, I need to try to save the food and clean the water from milting something.

ANYWAY! I made a video to sum my 2020 experience as a foreigner in the US. (click CC for translation)

Happy New Year & Hope you are safe and Healthy.

Hey! Remember to Subscribe my Channel & Facebook  #VioloncelloTseng ❣️

2020 真是夠了!

冰箱盡然在 12.31.2020 這天壞掉。





這影片是分享我在美國 2020 發生的事,在美國八年的我,真是大開眼界。

最後!新年快樂  身體健康

記得訂閱我的頻道& Facebook 專頁喔!#VioloncelloTseng ❣️

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