Thanksgiving as an educator – Beginning


Thanksgiving Month 
Native American Month

I walked on the trial where Tongva people used to live and tried to feel about them.

To know more about the Native American history

A trail that I went where used to be the Tongva tribes 

Tongva were the L.A.'s Indigenous people (click for a brief story)

The Land

the Tule Reeds that were used to be the material for building Tongva shelters

The journey made me humble and thankful

Perhaps, I am not be able to feel like an indigenous people

Yet, I am open myself to explore more and more

Thanks that I have the choice to do that I am doing

The indigenous people did not have the choice but evacuate their homes

Thanks that I have my family

The indigenous people might be separated from their kids, parents, relatives

Thanks that I have my voice to tell people stories

The indigenous people had been ignored for decades

Thanks to the Tangva people and all the indigenous people

As an educator, in my opinion,

I have the responsibility to teach my students being humble and thankful

Nothing should be taken for granted.

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