Storytelling for Social Justice by Lee Anne Bell


I took a long time to digest the ideas in the book and the discussion in the Social Justice classes.

Those are the idea that I kind of know about and I put aside.

I know think critically, as we have been told

but I never thought about talking my Taiwanese or Asian situation.

I am blessed enough (at least now) I have not been suffered from hate asian racist.

There was a hate asian crime, but the news did not talk about.

The book and the class talked about back, white, and brown people.

How about Asians?

When the American Dream, there was asians. 

I do feel in my body that Asian culture is traditionally as quiet and not outspoken.

However, I'd like quote one of my colleague "silent suffering."

When we the US Census reports about every race, there is no Asian.

When people talk about Chinese

Taiwanese are often forgotten.

Taiwan has the beautiful arts

Juming Museum

The city I was born, Kaohsiung, two years ago finished the wold largest arts center.

National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts - Weiwuying


         Do you know Taiwan helps many states in the US with the medical supplies during the pandemic?

Do you know there are scholars, including but not limited to Johns Hopkins and Harvard, held webinars to 

talk about the Covid-19 and its prevention?

Do you know Taiwan is lead by the female president & it's her second term?

Do you know Taiwan keeps the routine since the the coronavirus outbreak?

(yes, people go to their work, schools, shops, restaurants as usual)

Do you know Taiwan is the first Asian country legalizes same-sax marriage?


  • Bell, Lee Anne. Storytelling for social justice: connecting narrative and the arts in antiracist teaching. New York: Routledge, 2020.
  • Bell, Lee Anne. "The Harvard Educational Review - HEPG." Harvard Graduate School of Education. NY: Rourledge, 2010.
  • "What's behind the China-Taiwan divide? - BBC News." BBC News. September 28, 2020.
  • Hollingsworth, Julia. "Taiwan legalizes same-sex marriage in historic first for Asia." - CNN. May 17, 2019.
  • Juming Museum :
  • National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts - Weiwuying :

National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts - Weiwuying
≈ 45 mins Video: English video with Traditional subtitle.

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