What do you see in the painting?

What do you see in the painting?

© The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Hermann Rorschach is a Swiss psychiatrist and created ink blots.

Andy Warhol, American Artist, composed the huge painting named it, Rorschach.

If you have not seen it in person, once the Broad is open, 

I strongly recommend you to check it out.

What do you see in the painting ?

Probably not everyone will see the same thing.


Because that individual perspective is different

depends on the cultural background and life experience.

Also, that's how the brain works.

Everyone has the various senses (even twins)

So, everyone would have different perspectives.

Because our senses and brain are highly connected.

Intersectionality is an interesting word, 

it reminds me crossroads.


Actually, I just want to find a way to pass this crossroads.

I'd rather not standing in at the crossroads.

I's keep walking and find the right path

If I chose the wrong path this time,

I am going to try other paths next time.

Hermann Rorschach / Blot Card 9

Everyone should (try to) talk about the social justice with acquaintances


As an educator, I believe a convince way 

is to try to discuss it with people who surround you first

friends, family, and significant ones

Then, others

Have you talked about social justice with you family, friend, and significant ones?

I would also equip my students with the respectful lens

"Express your opinions & Listen to others."

 More info about Hermann Rorschach's study
