Think Different with Picasso and Einstein


(Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist, a poster from my wall)

A prolific artist, who never gave up to express his thoughts. 

He often used his arts to talk about the society issues, the wars, 

and bold topics that other artist might feel frantic.

He is different because he is so courageous.

(Albert Einstein, German-born Physicist, another poster on my wall)

A Nobel prize winner, who never gave upon trying to fulfill his dreams and curiosity

even when he experienced obstacles in his life.

He is different because his perseverance and curiosity.  

Recently, a class talked about oppressor and oppressed.

In the class there were couple of conversations.

It encouraged my to think differently.

There were three statements, I would love to hear from you.

‘Can an oppressed be an oppressor?’

‘Black people will never be oppressor.’

‘Who’s responsibility to enlighten the oppressor (and stop oppressing?)’

My instinct and because of my experience,

I’d say yes to the first one,

Because the oppressed person could put its own negative feeling, 

Onto the next weaker person. 

If the oppressed person does not know how to revert the negative experience,

the negative energy will keep passing on.

I’d say it’s wrong to the second statement,

First, the speaker might already be a racist.

What if we replace black to white or yellow, what would you feel?

Anyone could be oppressor.

So, we need to think before we do.

Think critically. Think different.

It’s everyone’s responsibility to stop oppressing others.

Like my friends mentioned in the previous blog mentions,

Think how to reconcile the differences.

Last but not least, be Respect, be Kind, and be True to on another.

If you are experiencing difficult, 

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”___ Einstein

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